Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonials

The team at AirPro Elite AC & Heating has enjoyed working with hundreds of East Texas homeowners and businesses who have remained loyal and called us again and again for their AC repair and service needs. We would love to earn your business too. Read our testimonials to find out why our clients choose us!


“Called around everywhere it seemed like today trying to find someone to fix our AC and being told "you can call our office on Monday to find out." We were so thankful that Rod not only took our call on a Saturday but came out to fix it as well very quickly! Having 2 kids ages 1 and 4 and no AC was rough thank you Rod for saving the day!!”

-Tiffany Dotson


“FANTASTIC !!! FANTASTIC!!! FANTASTIC !!!! I can not say this enough. I called with no A/C and it being 95 degrees. Rod showed up within the hour and had to replace the cheapest part of the entire system (after another so called A/C person diagnosed the issue to be the compressor) and within 2 hours of my call on a Saturday night, the A/C was fixed and running again. FANTASTIC!!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!.”

-Bobby Rowland


“The guys at AirPro Elite did a great job with the duct work and commercial units in our new building. I recommend them to everyone!”

-Jeff L.


“Roderick and his crew have taken care of rental property and personal residence for several years. They are courteous , professional and always quick to come to the rescue! I wouldn’t think of calling anyone else!”



“Called around everywhere it seemed like today trying to find someone to fix our AC and being told "you can call our office on Monday to find out." We were so thankful that Rod not only took our call on a Saturday but came out to fix it as well very quickly! Having 2 kids ages 1 and 4 and no AC was rough thank you Rod for saving the day!!”

-Tiffany Dotson

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